Winning With TYpe 1 Diabetes By Learning How To Use Continuous Glucose Monitoring CGM
Welcome to Sugar Surfing!

Sugar Surfing Workshops are interactive, fun and visual. They typically require 3 to 4 hours (including a 30 minute intermission). Well behaved and attentive children and teens are welcome to attend. Child care is not typically available.
Due to high demand in 2018, we are in the midst of planning the 2019 workshop series so please don't delay. Local organizers or "Champions" are the reason why we've been able to put on so many workshops all across the USA, UK and Ireland. Maybe it's time to bring Dr. Ponder and his workshop to your town or city?
Local workshop organizers are the key to setting up a Sugar Surfing Workshop. You will be expected to locate a free or low cost venue to accommodate 200 - 300 people and a willingness to reach out to your local diabetes industry sales representatives for table sponsorships. You can do this yourself or create a small team from your local support group, friends and family. Available dates are extremely limited so check with us before making any local commitments.
This is how workshops happen!