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Newly Diagnosed Free eBook Offer



We have setup this page to give information regarding a free download of the ebook version of Sugar Surfing™ for individuals and families who have been diagnosed within the previous 90 days. Our hope is that offering you a free copy of the book will help give you access to an encouraging and eye opening perspective on type 1 diabetes. While some of the concepts may be viewed as advanced or for people using continuous glucose monitoring, nearly half of the book is for anyone.


Simply click on the "Ask A Question" button at the top of this page. Please send us a message explaining the situation regarding your recent diagnosis, and requesting your free copy of the book. When you do this your message will be reviewed and if you meet the 'Newly Diagnosed' criteria, you will receive instructions on how to download your complimentary copy of the ebook in your desired format (ePub, Kindle, or PDF).


[The book is also available as a 280 page high quality, full color paperback for $29.95 or as a purchasable ebook for $6.99]


Please do not share your copy of the ebook and do not publish your copy on the Internet or via email. This is a licensed copy of the book only to the person who originally downloads it. While there is no charge for this copy, please tell others who also qualify to register for their own licensed copy. Thank your for your help in preventing digital piracy as we depend on proceeds from the book to cover the costs of our outreach programs.


We have worked hard to create a friendly and welcoming community that we call the "Surf Colony" both here on the website and on This is an easy way to ask questions and make new friends who 'surf'. Be sure to check out our home page, there is a multitude of educational and informative posts which may be able to help you in your journey. By enrolling for free in our 'Surf Colony', you will receive email updates when we post new educational content as well as our monthly email newsletter where you will find information about our recent and upcoming events. You can also find details of upcoming events under the Workshops tab at the top of this page.


We appreciate your interest in Dynamic Diabetes Management. We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the US. Everything you see is only made possible by the kind donations of our supporters. If you would be kind enough to consider donating to our cause, the button to do so can be found at the top of this page. All donations are tax deductible in the US and will be used to best further our mission to help and educate as many people as possible. 




The Sugar Surfing Team


Copyright © Dynamic Diabetes Management Inc. 2016 - 2018. All rights reserved worldwide.


Dynamic Diabetes Management Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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