Manage in the Moment
Here is a quote from a d-parent I know: “Our daughter has had type 1 diabetes for 6 years, her A1C runs as high as 8%. We’ve recently...
Once upon a time I cared for a family with young child with type 1 diabetes who was very well controlled. This family had very much to be...
The Umbrella Effect
While long-acting or basal insulin delivery (insulin degludec [Tresiba], glargine [Lantus], detemir [Levemir], or the basal delivery rate...
History and literature are overrun with examples of conversions: from Saul’s journey on the Road to Damascus in the New Testament, to the...
Shift Your Paradigm
To be successful at Sugar Surfing requires us to make a fundamental change in how we visualize or conceptualize blood sugar levels. Since...
What is "Dynamic Diabetes Management"?
Dynamic Diabetes Management is better known as Sugar Surfing. The image below describes what this form of diabetes self care is all...
Does Metabolic Syndrome damage teen brains?
I've followed many children with type 2 diabetes, and it's precursor: the metabolic syndrome. This recent publications raises very...